A shortfilm by Your Creative Film a team of creatives “with excellence as their unique mission.” Our behind the scenes narrative starts with an early morning meeting on a brisk, sunny February morning in the Martina Vidal Venezia showroom on the historical Burano...
Jasmin Santanen was honored to collaborate with prestigious Venetien artisans Martina Vidal and Tessuti Bevilaqua for the Being Luisa capsule collection presented during Venice Fashion Week. Working closely together brought forth a collection that not only reflects on...
Jasmin Santanen had the pleasure to collaborate with Venetian lacemaker Martina Vidal on the new collection inspired by the iconic Marchesa Casati known for her eccentric taste and theatrical lifestyle. In the weeks leading up to the event, a first prototype meeting...
Jasmin Santanen was honored to collaborate with prestigious Venetien artisans Martina Vidal and Tessuti Bevilaqua for the “Being Luisa” capsule collection, presented during Venice Fashion Week on March 25, 2022. The Being Luisa collection is an homage to Marchesa...
“The Making of Flora Tigresse” short film shares the exciting behind-the-scenes content for the eye-catching capsule collection. Made by Vilja Harjamäki in collaboration with designer and art director Jasmin Santanen, the film sheds light on the medley of different...
FLORA TIGRESSE Pleased to present our Flora Tigresse collection, including new organic casual wear styles in addition to our timeless silk classics, allowing us to expand our “Responsable Glamour” production methods. The collection icon, Flora Tigresse is our...