The “Let’s Rock” video, by the talented filmmaker Vilja Harjamaki, brings the Rock Around the Clock collection by Jasmin Santanen to life. Inspired by the song that started a movement and brought people together, the Rock Around the Clock collection is 50’s themed with a modern twist.
Our models Pascal Buil and Franziska Mohr dance to the rhythm as the film flickers between black and white to color. Swinging around one another, the dancers change outfits along to the beat of the rock and roll music while award winning photographer Stan Musilek masterfully captures the movement and flow of the new look inspired designs.
Heartfelt thanks to the team!
Photography by Stan Musilek, Hair & Make up by Corinne Fouet at Airport Agency, Models Ziska Mohr and Pascal Buil Aicom
Read more about the collection here.